Return & Refund Policy
We do not offer Cash on Delivery and hence all the orders pre-paid.
Orders are shipped maximum within 72 hours. Please check product pages for correct shipping times.
After receiving the order, unfortunately, we cannot cancel or refund the same.
In the rare event, something goes wrong, here is our return policy:
We accept returns only if you have received a damaged product or a wrong product has been shipped out to you.
You will have to email us at or whatsapp us on +91 8742991986 within 24 hours of receiving the wrong/damaged product.
MB Publishing House team will receive and review your return request. Upon approval, we will arrange for a reverse pickup at a time mutually agreed upon with you.
Once your return has been authorized, we'd be happy to process your refund via the same payment mode with which you made the purchase, which will take 5-7 business days to reflect in your account.
We will initiate the refund after we receive the item and it has gone through the necessary quality checks.
We aim to process all returns within one (1) week. If you have any questions about your return, feel free to reach out to the MB Publishing House team at
All returns are subject to the discretion of MB Publishing House.
Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund.
P.S.: Please check the phone number, address & pincode carefully at the time of placing the order. Re-shipping in case of returned orders (due to an error in Shipping Details) will be done with an extra charge.